Research Seminar: Silicon Valley Conservation
Jeannette Estruth of New York University will discuss her paper, “Silicon Valley Conservation: Redefining Environmental and Labor Politics, 1970-1995”
Author's abstract for the seminar paper:
Jeannette Estruth’s paper will explore popular opposition to the pollution generated by Silicon Valley’s computer industry. For decades, semiconductor innovation and production sat at the heart of the Valley’s technology boom, and was the hallmark of the region’s claims to technological advancement through innovation. At the same time, the chemicals used to manufacture these small machines seeped into the bodies, wombs, land, water, and even DNA of the Valley’s people. Protest erupted in the 1970s when workers and Silicon Valley residents began to realize the acute effects of semiconductor manufacturing. The legislative and political success of these movements fundamentally shaped technology companies’ future public discourse in ways that changed the politics of high-technology industry forever.
The seminar is open to the public and is based on a paper that is circulated in advance. Those planning to attend are encouraged to read the paper before coming to the seminar. Copies may be obtained by emailing Carol Lockman, clockman@Hagley.org. Reception at 6 p.m., seminar begins promptly at 6:30, and takes place in the Copeland Room of Hagley’s library building.