DuPont Commercial: The Deep Freeze Suit

Video of the Month from Hagley Digital Archives - "DuPont Commercial: Deep Freeze Suit"
Monday, October 23, 2017

This month, we have a staff favorite from our vast collection of DuPont Company commercials. The commercial, shown during an episode of Cavalcade of America in the mid-1950s, promoted the use of Nylon and Neoprene in insulated cold weather clothing.

It's a relatively straightforward story about the development of “arctic gear” for the military during the Second World War and its later adaptation to civilian outdoor clothes, but the film clip takes an interesting turn around the 1:45 mark. I can assure you it’s worth the wait. Enjoy!

See additional DuPont commercials from Cavalcade of America, in our Digital Archives.

Kevin Martin is the Andrew W. Mellon Curator of Audiovisual Collections & Digital Initiatives at Hagley Museum and Library.
