March 12, 2021

We've been happily welcoming the early signs of Spring this week at the Hagley Museum and Library. In anticipation of warmer, more pleasant days to come, here's a #FloralFriday celebration of Spring blooms. This illustration of canna lilieswas sourced from the 1924 issue of Burpee's Farm Annual (also known as Burpee's Annual, Burpee's Annual Garden Book, Burpee's Seeds, and Burpee Gardens), published by W. Atlee Burpee & Company of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
This catalog is part of Hagley Library's Trade Catalog collection, along with issues of the same from 1897, 1883-1884, 1886-1889, 1891-1902, 1904-1916, 1917-1961, and 1963 through the 1970s.