We're looking at a winter wonderland at Hagley Library. Or we would be, if we weren't working from home, due to today's winter storm. We hope you're all staying similarly safe and cozy, bundled up in blankets or cuddled down with some cocoa.We're marking today's snowfall with the cover of this 1956 comic book. Clear the Track! was created and published by the School and College Service division of the Association of American Railroads to introduce young readers to the various ways railroads kept trains running during major weather events and natural disasters.
You can read the full comic online in Hagley Library's digital collection of promotional comic books. The items in this online collection offer a selection of the promotional comic books held by the Hagley Library. These works were generally, though not always, produced by corporations and other business entities for the purposes of advertising a product, managing a company's public image, or providing consumer education.
A number of these works were also produced with the goal of influencing public opinion regarding socioeconomic political issues such as organized labor and government regulation of businesses. Visit them online now by clicking here.