Hagley Library is closed on Monday, September 4th in observation of the Labor Day holiday. If you're looking for somewhere else to spend the day on Monday, may we recommend Madison, Wisconsin's Dutch Mill Restaurant?
This ca. 1929 postcard notes that the restaurant, "open from 5 a.m. to 1 a.m. from June 1st to Labor Day" (and open 6 a.m. to 1 a.m. thereafter) offers "the best of food", a cocktail lounge, breakfast, and a "[v]ariety of steaks, chicken, fish, lobster tails, shrimp, sandwiches."
The restaurant, founded by Gertrude Eloise Argue (1899-1983), operated out of Madison from 1929 to 1959. While the postcard is undated, it locates the restaurant near the junctions of highways 12, 18, and 51; extensions and reconfigurations of these highways in 1930 and 1931 necessitated the relocation of the restaurant to 1801 East Broadway.
This postcard comes from Hagley Library's collection of Postcards of motels, roadside attractions, restaurants, etc. in the United States (Accession 2007.214). This collection comprises 130 postcards dating from approximately 1930 to 1960. The postcards depict motels (including motor courts and cabins), restaurants, roadside attractions, and scenic views from across the United States. To view it online now, click here.