I've always said that the worst thing about having to do household chores is that there's not some dude there to tell me I'm doing it wrong.
This 1940 pamphlet of household cleaning advice is from the New York City retailing and distributing firm of Park & Tilford, owners of Tintex brand fabric dye. The work contained 127 folksy "handy household hints" for women on childcare and domestic duties from "Helpful Harry", a marketing persona that also appeared in radio spots on programs sponsored by Park & Tilford.
Harry was played by Ben Braker, a radio announcer who also worked for under the name Danny Dee in broadcasting and as an announcer for the Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey Circus.
This item is is call number Pam 2010.360 in Hagley Library's Gerald A. and Arlene L. Fingerman Fabric Care Memorabilia Collection. If you're looking for some tips on maintaining "style and economy" while "saving up for that new girdle", you can view it online now in our Digital Archive - just click here.