We're raising a glass today to International Stout Day, a global holiday that has fallen on the first Thursday of November since its founding by beer writer and blogger Erin Peters in 2011.
This ca. 1945 (1935-1953) revenue stamp from Utah isn't for a stout. But we don't think International 3.2% Military Beer Day is rolling around anytime soon, so we're letting it have a little moment today.
This item is from Hagley Library's collection of Carter Litchfield photographs and ephemera on the history of fatty materials (Accession 2007.227). As an organic chemist, Carter Litchfield (1932-2007) studied and specialized in edible fats. Over the course of his career, Litchfield built an important collection about the history of fats and fatty materials.
This collection has not been digitized in its entirety. The online collection is a curated selection of items and primarily includes paper ephemera such as ration stamps, tax stamps, trade cards, pamphlets, and trade catalogs. To view the online collection in our Digital Archive now, just click here.