Yeah, it's Monday again. Here's hoping that "Cheer-Up" the sensational pessimistic pooch can help get us through it.
This 1950 advertisement is from the Winter issue of The College Store, a trade magazine published by the National Association of College Stores. Clippings from the issue are part of a scrapbook in Hagley Library's Ken White Associates, Inc. records (Accession 2377). The scrapbook contains newspaper and magazine clippings about White's career during these years, from the opening of his own office in 1947 in NYC to projects he did up to 1951.
Ken White Associates, Inc., formed by industrial designer Ken White in 1947, was a design firm that developed plans and designs for thousands of independent and academic bookstores throughout the United States, as well as many other types of retail businesses. The company also played a leading role in introducing convenience stores and innovative food service options on college campuses.
This collection has not been digitized in its entirety, but you can view a selection of material online now in our Digital Archive by clicking here .