What is a Maker Fest?
Part science fair, part community fair, and part something entirely new, Maker Fest is an all-ages gathering of tech enthusiasts, crafters, educators, tinkerers, hobbyists, engineers, science clubs, authors, artists, students, and commercial exhibitors. All of these “Makers” come to Maker Fest to show what they have made and to share what they have learned.
Calling All Makers!
Do you have a project, a hobby, a vocation that is unique, inspiring, engaging, and interactive? It could be a piece of art, a tool or project that does something different or has a story. Here is an opportunity to show what you do and share what you know by demonstrating and explaining your project at Hagley’s Maker Fest. We want visitors to walk away with a fresh view of what can be done in the world, and Makers to forge new and renewed connections to kindred spirits in our local Maker community. We want to celebrate Makers for “Making” the world more interesting!
We will provide a few 10’ x 8’ space with a 6’ table and two chairs. Indoor and tented outdoor spaces are available.
Selection of Makers for the Hagley Maker Fest is made at the sole discretion of Hagley Museum and Library.
For more information, contact Tanya Looney at tlooney@hagley.org or (302) 658-2400, ext. 392.