NAM Finding Aid Online

Audiovisual Collection now open for research
May 8, 2017

We are pleased to announce the photograph and audiovisual portion of the NAM collection is now fully processed and available to researchers.

At times, processing a collection feels like being handed a puzzle with variable pieces and no picture of how it will look when it's done. It's great to see how everything fits together; making sense out of something that will help others.

For this first part of the project, the photographs and audiovisual materials are 78 linear feet. What is the 78 linear feet comprised of?

Here is a breakdown of NAM audiovisual collection by the numbers…

Approximately 18 linear feet of photographs, contact sheets, negatives, and 35mm slides that total an estimated 24,000 unique images

184 film reels (Read more about film re-housing and early NAM films)

104 videotapes (includes multiple formats like U-Matic, VHS, Beta, and 1” and 2” inch tape)

67 audio tape reels

66 audio records

50 posters

13 cassettes

8 objects (The objects include awards presented to NAM and items sent by members)

7 audiscan cartridges (Read more about audiscans here)

7 plaques

1 billboard

To see a detailed inventory of the NAM audiovisual collection, the finding aid can be viewed here.

To see a small selection of photographs, films, and manuscripts, see the new NAM collection in the Hagley Digital Archives


Ashley Williams is the National Association of Manufacturers Project Archivist at the Hagley Museum and Library.
