April showers have turned up early to Hagley this year, so today is #WeaThursday. This 1933 photograph shows the aftermath of a flood in Laurel, Delaware.
This item is part of Hagley Library's collection of Frank R. Zebley photograph albums (Accession 1968.012). Frank R. Zebley (1883-1960) was a Delaware native collector, photographer, author, and one-time speaker of the Delaware House of Representatives. The Frank R. Zebley photograph albums includes nearly 1500 black and white photographs from the city of Wilmington, locations around Delaware, southeastern Pennsylvania, and other places of interest in the mid-Atlantic region.
The photos include street scenes, construction and demolition, public buildings, churches, cemeteries, houses and estates, waterfronts, bridges, mills, automobiles, trains, and people. Additionally, specific locations and events include the Brandywine Village; the Brandywine Creek; Armistice parade in Wilmington; the Sesqui-Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia; Gettysburg battlefield; Lewes, Delaware; and the wreck of the ship Morro Castle at Asbury Park, New Jersey.
To view more material from this collection, visit its page in our Digital Archive by clicking here.