Today's #FashionFriday posts rests on not just one, but three firm foundation(al garments). This ca. 1965 image shows one side of a stereoview slide used to promote Hanes Hosiery Mills Company’s Hanes proportioned fit undergarments.This was once part of a sales kit belonging to Floyd Hollenbeck (1920-2002). Hollenbeck worked for Trimfit Hosiery, a distribution company for Hanes Hosiery Mills Company. Working out of Los Angeles, California, he traveled throughout a large west coast sales region, working to contract with department stores to sell Hanes Hosiery.
This item is part of Hagley Library’s Floyd Hollenbeck sales kit for Hanes Hosiery Mills Co. stereoviews and viewer (Accession 2013.226) contains twenty-four stereoviews of the Hanes Hosiery Mills Company Winston-Salem manufacturing plant and offices, product photographs, and images of workers performing various tasks throughout the manufacturing process. The collection also includes the stereoviewer, stereoviewer instruction booklet and Floyd Hollenbeck’s business card. To view the collection online now, click here.
textile industry #clothing industry #sales kit #women's fashion #fashion history #Hanes Corporation